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Wire Crate or Plastic Crate are both great options, it’s definitely personal preference.
Exercise pen = The exercise pen is a real saving grace. It gives the puppy a decent amount of room, but keeps them contained to keep them out of trouble if you can’t have your eyes on them. This is the one that I like and have several of them at home.
Frenchies are notoriously difficult to potty train, so having a potty pad inside will be a complete game changer. I suggest any time you’re gone to put them in their play pen with this potty pad. When you’re home, you can leave the gate to the pen open so that they can still get in to use the potty pad, move it outside the pen, or get a second one for them to use. That way you minimize any accidents indoors. This potty tray very much mimics the one they’re used to having here. They go out several times a day and potty outside, but we always let them have access to a potty area inside as well.
Bowls = I suggest ceramic or stainless steel for people due to being better about staying clean and not holding germs. I will say that the ceramic is harder for them to pick up and carry/mess with.
Leash = I prefer leather leashes, just because they feel nicer on your hands. I like the ½” version, and I like to have the length be 6’.
I like to have a standard leash available as well as a slip lead, so here are the slip leads that I like:
Collar = I like the martingale because it tightens when there is pressure on the leash, and loosens completely when the pressure goes off the leash. They will need the small as a puppy, and a medium to large as an adult
I always suggest that people take any type of collar off when you put the dog in a crate or they are left unattended just for safety reasons (strangulation risk).
Toys =
Here are just an assortment of types that I like:
Snuffle/foraging toy to prevent boredom
Kong brand toys are always a good option, because they last quite a while. You can do soft/stuffed toys, just make sure you only give them when you’re with them, because it can be dangerous if they ingest parts of the toy.
Chews = I like the yak chews, because they are hard, but won’t break a dog’s teeth:
They also make this toy to put the small piece of yak chew in once it’s a choking risk:
Dog bed/cot= I use these for both training (place command) and for nice comfy spots for the dogs to lay on. They like them because they’re super comfortable, but they also don’t overheat.
I generally use the 35 x 23, it’s a good size for an adult Frenchie. It will be big when they’re pups, but they can grow into it then.
Food = Right now, they are on Royal Canin French Bulldog puppy, you should receive an email recommendation link from me so that you get 20% off your first order, and an additional discount for signing up for auto ship.
Treats = I like using small freeze dried treats, because they are quick and easy for puppies to eat, and they don’t make your hands greasy.
I also like the Fruitables brand just for things like going in the crate and stuff, they come in a lot of different flavors, but here’s one of them:
Semi-frequent bathing and frequent brushing is what helps to keep the shedding under control.
With the shorter hair Frenchies, this is a good brush. It’s also great to use during a bath to get all of the dead hair out while you bathe them.
For the longer haired (Fluffy) Frenchies, a slicker brush is great too.
Here is the shampoo and conditioner that I like.
Since Frenchies can have sensitive skin or become itchy, I swear by this product:
You also want to make sure you really take care of their wrinkles. It’s a good idea to wipe them daily with special wipes and put the cream on them a few times a week.
I love this little Nail Clipper:
I add about 1/4 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar and a 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil to one meal per day. They’re both natural supplements that help with everything from coat health to digestive health.
They also get one Nuvet Plus K9 tablet and one NuJoint DS tablet in the morning. I like the Nuvet brand a lot! One is a holistic vitamin and the other is a joint supplement due to being a large breed dog.